Slatka priča - Ruže i Kinder čokoladice

Slatka priča

Price: 74.90 €

11 ruža u kutiji u kombinaciji sa Kinder čokoladicama i 2 Kinder jajeta. Poklon koji će je ostaviti bez reči!

All arrangements are subject to change. For floral arrangements, you can specify the flower color and arrangement size in the ADDITIONAL NOTES field, if desired. You can also add a drink, sweets, a toy, or balloons when placing an order. If you want to add a vase or something not highlighted, you can write it in the ADDITIONAL NOTES field.
All arrangements are subject to changes. For all flower arrangements, if desired, you can specify the flower color and arrangement size in the ADDITIONAL NOTES field.
  • correct Delivery in Belgrade and the surrounding areas
  • correct Always fresh flowers
  • correct Always on time as agreed!
Addition to flowers 1

Sender's information 2
Podaci o primaocu 3

Napomena: U slučaju da niko ne bude na adresi, aranžman se ostavlja ispred vrata.

Poruka koja se dostavlja uz aranžman 4
Ako trenutno ne možete da nađete odgovarajuće reči, možete izabrati jedan od predloga poruke: